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At the Inflection Point: Harnessing the Power of 224 Gbps-PAM4

Now a household name due to the overnight success of OpenAI’s ChatGPT, generative AI is reinventing what it means to be a modern data center. Learn how 224 Gbps-PAM4 technology is enabling the generative AI revolution, and why Molex’s 224G portfolio of solutions is industry leading. 

Read Time: 4 min

By: Gus Panella
Director, Interconnect Technology

Artificial intelligence (AI) has experienced a momentous shift in recent years with the introduction of generative models. Now a household term thanks to OpenAI’s overnight success with ChatGPT, generative AI leverages cutting-edge deep learning techniques to create outputs that are almost indistinguishable from human-produced content. This groundbreaking technology has empowered machines to analyze colossal datasets and generate well-informed split-second responses with output ranging from text to video, audio, graphics and more. As generative AI advances and matures, it isn't simply poised to transform how we fundamentally approach data — it already has.

Generative AI will continue to be the most influential new technology since the emergence of the smartphone; arguably influential enough to be classified as a new technological revolution. The pace of generative AI development is only matched by its user adoption. Now, it's a race to see who can not only cultivate the most valuable AI applications, but also iterate and scale their operations.

Generative AI is Shifting the Focus for Data Centers

AI is projected to become a $2-trillion industry by 2030. As applications are skyrocketing exponentially across domains, from automotive to quantum computing, software development, genomics and data mining, companies across the spectrum from tech to retail need to be ready for this milestone. 

In response to AI’s demand for massive computing power and storage capacity, hyperscalers must think about connecting computational resources and creating a new era of purpose-built generative AI data centers. This future-forward thinking has led directly to the development of 224 Gbps-PAM4 solutions. Starting development two years ago, 224G technology pushed the laws of physics for both semiconductors and interconnects to be the architecture supporting the generative AI revolution.

Digital Twins Virtually Model the Real World

Another driver of 224 Gbps-PAM4 development is the trend toward digital transformation, such as the use of digital twins. Companies are rapidly adopting digital twin technology to develop, test and safeguard high-value physical objects and processes ranging from specific products to entire supply chains. 

In manufacturing, digital twins monitor equipment performance, optimize production processes and anticipate required system maintenance. In logistics, a digital twin can prepare for natural disasters by providing alternative routes or timing recommendations. In healthcare, digital twins help plan individual patient treatment and enable remote patient monitoring. In aerospace and defense, digital twin technology aids in aircraft design and enhances efficiency and safety. Molex uses digital twins in our own predictive engineering processes to expedite and better collaborate with clients during design and prototyping. 

A digital twin’s reliance on real-time data to virtually simulate the behaviors and operations of an object or process throughout its entire lifecycle places significant demand on the data center.

Reimagining Connectivity for the 224 Gbps-PAM4 Ecosystem

While 112 Gbps-PAM4 signaling technology was a giant leap forward from its 56 Gbps-PAM4 predecessor, the increase from 112 to 224 is not as simple as "making it twice as fast." 224 Gbps-PAM4 relies on architectural innovations to achieve its speed targets and performance criteria. 

To develop a stable, efficient 224 Gbps-PAM4 channel, entire hardware architectures and supporting components must be adapted for new limitations. Systems designed for data transfer rates at the 224 Gbps-PAM4 level introduce physical challenges relating to everything from signal integrity and EMI reduction to thermal management, reinforcing the concept that it isn’t “how to upgrade a hyperscale data center with 224G technology” but rather “how to build an AI data center with 224G technology.” 

Co-Development: The Differentiating Factor for 224G

It's always exciting to participate in an inflection point in technology, especially when the benefits to our society can provide significant value. Molex has intentionally co-developed its 224 Gbps-PAM4 solutions alongside industry partners. While various 224G solutions will make their way to the market, Molex’s differentiated approach provides unique customer advantages and sets us apart from the competition.

Working side-by-side with design engineering partners across the ecosystem ensures that Molex can provide the highest quality electrical channel with the performance levels necessary for generative AI, influenced by real world expectations. Our approach to co-development allows a diverse blend of subject matter experts addressing interoperability between components, hardware, architecture, connectivity, mechanical integrity and signal integrity to address the physics of the electrical channel and engineer mechanical solutions with superior performance. 

Molex sees these three factors as critical to the success in delivering on the promise of 224G:

  1. Collaboration with organizations that have deep engineering expertise across disciplines and design domains, with extensive proven support of complex customer applications.
  2. The ability to implement solutions effectively on a global scale.
  3. A co-development mindset, rooted in transparency and being embedded with partners from the earliest concept stages to effectively bring the most innovative solutions to market.

Because of our deep knowledge of the subject and co-development with industry-leading customers, Molex is in a prime position to support the 224 Gbps-PAM4 landscape.

At the Forefront of Innovation: Molex Delivers Transformational 224G Solutions

As 224 Gbps-PAM4 technologies evolve, companies need comprehensive solutions with a full suite of options to address their hardware architectures. That's why we’ve released a complete portfolio of 224 Gbps-PAM4 products simultaneously, supported by our consultative approach to system architecture design. This updated portfolio features the interconnect components required to build an end-to-end 224G system using multiple chip-to-chip connection schemes for an optimized system design. The products include backplane connectors and backplane cable assemblies, near-package/near-ASIC connectors, mezzanine interconnects and an array of OSFP-style cables and connectors – all supporting 224 Gbps-PAM4. This unique "all-in" approach is another way Molex has distinguished itself from other high-speed data options.

The demand for increased data transmission and processing isn’t a trend. Technologies like generative AI and digital twins are here to stay and the requirements will only evolve over time. The sooner companies embrace this comprehensive shift in technology, the faster they can support the types of AI applications that society is now demanding. As a partner in 224G technology, Molex is ready to lead the way in the evolving data center landscape.

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