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Home Energy Storage Solutions

Energy use in the home is undergoing a paradigm shift. A once passive relationship between energy supplier and consumer has transformed into an active decision on the part of homeowners. How, when and where energy is sourced, stored and allocated is now at the control of home energy management systems – where reliability is critical for user adoption. 


Modern homeowners have more power at their fingertips than ever before — and more control over it. In this new frontier of home energy management, the home and the grid work side-by-side to distribute energy generation, create redundancies and alleviate strained resources. Renewable energies and supporting technologies now provide homeowners with greater means to monitor and adjust their energy usage and minimize the financial impact of rising energy costs. From 2022 to 2023, households in the United States saw energy prices increase by 14% —  the same percentage increase occurred over a nine-year period from 2013 to 2022. Parts of Europe have seen an even more significant impact, with some countries experiencing the cost of energy leaping by almost 100% in 2022, sparking the widespread adoption of solar energy and causing a complete reversal in trend. Now, the overproduction of solar is causing energy prices in Europe to frequently turn negative, leading to energy providers paying homeowners and exposing the significant need to store solar energy for when its needed most.

The rapidly evolving home energy storage space is the epitome of innovation. Home battery storage systems (BSS) are capturing surplus solar energy for later use, internet of things (IoT) connectivity is identifying power-hungry appliances and vehicle-to-home (V2H) technology is flipping the concept of home charging on its head. But home energy management is still in the early days of user adoption, and many are unfamiliar with technologies like BSS. Some may even have misconceptions regarding the risks of fire. No matter the role a device plays, energy management requires quality, reliability and safety — the industry’s success depends on it. 

Molex has 80+ years’ experience helping industries like home energy management reach their potential through leading interconnect solutions and unmatched engineering expertise. Our UL-certified connectors along with our busbars ensure safe operation in high power, harsh environment applications — providing the reliable operation your customers expect. And in an industry of evolving regulatory requirements, our global footprint delivers solutions that adhere to regional market needs.  

“Not many industries are at as exciting of a crossroads as home energy management. The technology is now in place to ignite a revolution in energy production, storage and consumption — all from the home. But for this industry to really succeed, we need to prove it’s safe, reliable and able to meet the performance the market expects. This is where connectors and other interconnect solutions play a huge role, and we’re working with our customers every day to ensure risk-free user adoption.”
Lee Ettleman
Director of Corporate Strategy and Corporate Development

Home Energy Storage Systems

In home energy storage systems, designers must balance enhanced power throughput with effective thermal management to ensure safety and efficiency. Manufacturers require components that enable increased performance and streamlined assembly to meet the rapidly growing market demand for these systems.


Overcome the Challenges in Power System Design

Today’s design engineers are seemingly faced with the impossible. Growing trends like artificial intelligence (AI), faster data centers and home energy storage demand more power. Simultaneously, engineers are accounting for harsher environments, denser electronic assemblies and emerging thermal concerns. Learn how engineers are preparing for the applications of tomorrow while still tackling the challenges of now. 


High Power Solutions for Home Energy Applications

Safe and reliable power is crucial for the success of the energy management market. Home battery storage solutions are only as effective as the components within them, leaving little room for fault. Molex recognizes high power solutions form the backbone of these applications, and offers a broad portfolio of high-performance busbars, connectors and cable assemblies. 

Application Spotlight

The Future of Electric Vehicle Architecture and Infrastructure

The electric vehicle (EV) market is trending toward faster, more accessible charging infrastructure and more efficient vehicles for longer-lasting batteries. How do design engineers meet the demands of these ever-evolving energy management challenges? At Molex, it starts with advanced interconnect solutions and the latest in miniaturization and ruggedization. 

Charging EV

Additional Resources


Emerging Trends From Electrification to Energy Management


Innovations in Home Energy Management

From battery storage systems to in-app user experiences and EV integration, explore emerging trends in home energy management. 

High-Power Solutions



SW1 Interconnects

Cable Assemblies


EXTreme Power Products

Mini-Fit Connectors