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Data Center Networking Technology

Whether manufacturing goods or treating patients, the internet transformed data into a raw material every bit as important as steel or oil. Cloud computing and smart factories, autonomous vehicles and V2X technology, and even the latest innovations in precision agriculture all use data in huge volumes. Networking and data center architecture are at the heart of this information economy, integrating optical fiber, copper and RF technology to meet the unprecedented need for high-speed performance. With a full range of capabilities and unrivaled engineering expertise, Molex provides flexible, scalable networking solutions to meet demands for faster, smaller and more efficient applications across diverse industries.


We live in an era dominated by data. With the Internet of Things, more devices than ever are connected to each other, and they depend on a complex network of services and connections to deliver the vast amount of information that we demand in ever-increasing volumes.

Cloud computing enables the internet with the help of ever more powerful high-speed data centers. These are large collections of individual servers and storage devices in which data is collected, processed and shared. System architects need a range of connection systems that provide high bandwidth and signal integrity. Within servers, board-to-board connectors join midplanes and backplanes, with design features that ensure secure communications while helping to manage the thermal load created by so many high-performing computing devices. 

To connect the data centers with the rest of the internet, the global telecommunications network uses optical fiber systems. Optical fiber is the ideal solution for long distance transmissions, delivering high data capacity and extremely low losses to preserve signal integrity over ranges of thousands of miles. The sea floor is crossed with many such links, providing the backbone of our global communications systems.

With the exponential growth in sheer volume of handheld and miniaturized devices, the final link between the global network and the user is provided by the latest wireless technology. Wireless transmission uses high-frequency radio frequency (RF) signals, with modern base stations dependent upon reliable RF connections to ensure uninterrupted, high-quality service.

System architects and designers rely on Molex to provide cutting-edge solutions for the complex global telecom industry to deliver speed, power and performance.

By the Numbers


20 Gbps

Peak 5G Data Rate


36.8 Billion

IoT Enabled Devices


77.5 Exabytes

Monthly Data Traffic


USD 2.7 Trillion

Global Telecommunications Market

Tackling the Demands of Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

AI and ML are emerging across every industry and application, from supply chain forecasting to medical diagnostics and self-driving vehicles. Discover how data center engineers are anticipating the exponential growth of compute with high-performance, modular and space-saving hardware.

Server Compute PCIe

Data Center Solutions

In the rapidly evolving arena of networking, overcoming complexities in signal integrity and thermal management amidst escalating speed requirements is a must. Molex advanced highspeed interconnect solutions, empowering engineers to surmount networking challenges with confidence. 

Computer Systems

Achieving Next Generation Data Centers with 224G Solutions

We’re at the edge of an AI revolution. To stay ahead, we’ll need a new infrastructure. Learn how Molex’s industry-leading comprehensive portfolio of 224 Gbps-PAM4 products and custom architecture designs are enabling a new type of data center built for generative AI and beyond.

Computer Systems

The Future of Cable Infrastructure for Data Center Architecture

Data centers need fast and reliable connectivity to meet today’s insatiable data demands. Read how Molex applies its experience to create a data center cabling portfolio that prepares data centers for the future. 


Thermal Management for Next-Generation Data Centers

As advanced applications such as AI and machine learning take data processing demands to the next level, legacy cooling solutions may no longer be enough. This report examines the drawbacks of current established thermal management systems and explores new innovations in server and optical module cooling for systems requiring 112G and 224G PAM-4 links.

Mirror Mezz Connector Family

Maximizing Cable Rack Architecture

I/O Connectors

NearStack Connector System

Optical Solutions

Illuminated Blue Fiber Optics with Spectrum Close-up View.
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