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Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

As artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) become essential to new business models, future profitability and competitiveness are now contingent on data center performance. The pressure is on datacom engineers to upgrade facility performance to the latest technologies like 224 Gbps-PAM4 and adopt the most advanced strategies for routing, space efficiency and power management.


From the origins of big data to the development of deep learning and the era of large language models (LLMs), data processing applications have become increasingly capable and influential. Each breakthrough has redefined what’s possible and presents unique challenges and opportunities that datacom engineers must navigate to ensure that operations remain robust, scalable and efficient.

Data centers represent the physical infrastructure that enables our escalating digital economy so their reliability is imperative. However, the most recent advancements in AI and ML are placing unprecedented demands on their current capabilities. To efficiently store and process these vast datasets requires greater bandwidths and lower latencies. 

Additionally, as AI models grow in complexity, the compute bandwidth required for training and inference can skyrocket, contributing to higher operational costs as well as the need to adopt more advanced thermal and power management strategies. In fact, training large generative AI models like ChatGPT 4.0 can require up to one septillion (1025) FLOPS-worth of processing, costing an estimated $100 million. This impact will be further felt as ML applications move further to the edge to support applications like autonomous vehicles, medical diagnostics and smart homes — a market that is expected to exceed $22 billion USD by 2034.  

This calls for a new generation of more powerful and efficient GPU hardware, greater data transfer rates inside networks and scalable systems that can adapt to the growing demands of AI and ML. 

Molex is at the forefront of these developments, working alongside our customers to co-develop innovative solutions ranging from our first-to-market 224G product portfolio to the next generation of PCIe technologies. Our global, interdisciplinary team of engineering experts is focused on efficiency, providing scalable and modular interconnect solutions that address speed, responsiveness, signal integrity, thermal management, space constraints and ease of maintenance. 

By the Numbers



Compound annual growth rate (CAGR) for the generative AI market from 2022 to 2032


$1.3 trillion

Estimated market value for generative AI in 10 years


6 months

Time it takes for ML data volume requirements to double


10 billion

Factor by which training computation for learning models has grown since 2010

Building Blocks of High-Performance Computing

Data centers are continually striving to upgrade computing performance while maximizing investment in their current infrastructure. Modular hardware solutions for high-performance computing (HPC) provide a strategy for rapid scalability, effective thermal management and reliable, high-speed connectivity.

Trends and Drivers of AI and ML Adoption

AI and ML are increasingly being deployed to help manage the burgeoning complexity of networks and find new ways to automate routine processes. The result is a rising tide of data from sectors as diverse as automotive, healthcare and diagnostics, smart agriculture and consumer product design and manufacturing

These industries now rely on AI and ML to provide insight from real-time analytics and to optimize resource allocation across cloud and internet of things (IoT) networks. At the same time, algorithmic innovation and larger experimental learning models are consistently opening new avenues for business application across the supply chain, product development and customer experiences. 

The thirst for greater computing power goes hand in hand with the adoption of more agile architecture and modular hardware platforms to support both the immediate and anticipated requirements.


Challenges of the AI and ML Revolution

Implementing AI and ML in the data center and surrounding network introduces several challenges:

  • Foremost is data management, where the sheer volume and critical nature of many applications require robust systems for storage, routing, predictive analysis and data security.
  • Scalability is another hurdle — as network demands escalate, AI and ML frameworks must adapt and scale to accommodate fluctuating loads. 
  • Signal integrity throughout the data center is critical. Compromised integrity can interfere with models, leading to erroneous outcomes and diminished performance. 
  • With gains in computing and transfer rate comes greater heat generation. Reliability rests in part with effective thermal management throughout data center operations.
  • Lastly, integrating AI and ML into existing infrastructure requires careful orchestration to maintain system harmony, upgrading to next-gen hardware without disrupting ongoing operations.

Additional Resources

The Enduring Edge of Copper

Next-generation 224G speeds are required to meet the demands of AI and other advanced applications. Learn how high-speed copper interconnect technology adapts to the AI era, ensuring unmatched speed, efficiency, and reliability for cutting-edge 224Gbps applications.


The Future is 224G

What will the next generation of data centers look like? Get a preview of a 224 Gbps-PAM4 system and the improvements that offer new power and flexibility for system architects.

Building the Hyperscale Data Center

Molex brings next-generation PCIe technology, custom architecture designs and a first-to-market comprehensive portfolio of 224 Gbps-PAM4 products for unprecedented data center performance.

The Highest Quality Power

Data centers don’t just need more power, they need more reliable power solutions. Molex engineers are finding new methods of energy resource management to eliminate surges and spikes, avoid critical thermal limits and flexibly route power through the data center infrastructure.

Doubling the Rate of Data

At the leading edge of accelerating data rates, Molex’s chip-to-chip 224G portfolio provides the speed and reliability data centers  need to keep pace with the explosive growth of AI and ML applications. 

The Magic Bus

PCIe serial bus technology is poised to double in capacity yet again with the latest generation of hardware and connectors. The Molex NearStack product line for Gen 5 is integral for boosting signal speed.