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Open Compute Project

ORV3 Rack and Power Infrastructure

The Open Compute Project (OCP) Rack & Power Group is pioneering the future of data center architecture, ensuring that IT gear fits seamlessly across diverse racks and power systems. This collaborative effort fosters a standardized approach that meets evolving data center needs, focusing on both efficiency and compatibility. As a catalyst for innovation, the Open Rack V3 (ORV3) and power infrastructure shapes a landscape where modularity and scalability define the new normal. 

Overcoming Power Challenges with ORV3

Recent trends in server design are setting the stage for a significant transformation in data center power distribution and management. With high-performance computing (HPC) and artificial intelligence (AI) integration, power-per-rack-unit requirements are escalating. This surge is further amplified by the proliferation of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the growth of edge computing, demanding data centers’ adoption of a more distributed model with agile, decentralized power management solutions.

Coexisting with these developments is the continued expectation for reliability and continuous high-quality power, essential for cloud services and edge business processes. 

To address these complex challenges, design engineers must adopt a comprehensive system-wide approach to power management. Central to this strategy is the implementation of scalable and adaptable power distribution infrastructures that can be seamlessly upgraded. These systems must accommodate increasing rack densities and adapt to emerging technologies to remain responsive in the evolving industry landscape.

In alignment with OCP’s definitions for power rack infrastructure and in close collaboration with industry leaders, Molex has developed ORV3 connectivity solutions for power distribution that balance spatial, thermal and power efficiency requirements with flexibility to scale up as capacity grows. 

PowerPlane Busbar Connectors

With a float-mount design for blind mating, this high-power busbar connector allows for multiple, independent points of contact and delivers greater reliability and enhanced performance.

Busbar Solutions

Providing the equipment and skills to produce even the most complex busbars with maximum efficiency by optimizing materials and applying best practices. Molex offers a range of busbars to meet the unique power requirements for modern data center systems

Additional Resources


Data Center Power Management Solutions

Data centers are pivotal in managing the burgeoning demands of IoT, cloud computing and 5G technologies, requiring architectures that adapt and scale seamlessly. Explore the critical importance of flexible design and robust power supply systems for future-proofing digital infrastructure.


Powering the Data Center of the Future

Explore the dynamic forces shaping the data center market and uncover the innovative design strategies setting the stage for long-term success in an industry where energy demands continue to soar.