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Part Number Status Form

Use the list box below to copy/paste Molex part numbers (and your own part numbers) from a spreadsheet or .txt file
Paste your list of parts here:

  Delimiter is ...:
Tab   Comma

  My data range has ...:
Header row   No header row

Customer Heading:

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1. Copy the column of Molex part numbers from your spreadsheet*

*You can also include the cross-reference to your part number in the Part Number Status Form. To do so, make sure the columns you are copying have the Molex part on the left, and your part number on the right. See below for an example.

2. Paste your data into the list box on the left. Maximum number of part numbers that can be processed at 1 time: 200

3. Select whether or not the data you have pasted contains a header row. In the example above, you would select the 'Header row' button. If you want to include your company's name in the header row of the column that contains your part numbers, enter that into the Customer Heading text box.

4. Hit Export Spreadsheet to create a XLS file with your part status results.

Keep in mind this document is created using Molex part numbers. It will not work if the only part numbers pasted into the list box are the customer part numbers.