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Power System Design Trends

The demands of artificial intelligence (AI), faster data centers, more efficient electric vehicles (EVs) and the drive to digital unification pose unique power challenges for design engineers. But in a world where competitive differentiation is becoming increasingly difficult to obtain, the need to compromise may be the only separator between a failed product launch and a market leader. Learn how innovations in power systems solutions and design enable engineers to achieve their cost, performance, functionality and time-to-market goals without sacrifice.  


Is power system design a paradox? Today’s design engineers are increasingly forced to stretch the limits of physics, simultaneously balancing the need for more power with the expectation that devices are smaller, lighter, more connected and more cost-effective to develop. 

As existing technologies evolve and new ones emerge, today’s challenges such as electromagnetic interference (EMI), power integrity and thermal management, will still remain. How, then, does an engineer prepare for tomorrow when still tackling the power demands of today?

2023 State of Power: A Survey of Design Engineers and Their Managers

What trends are driving innovation in power system design, and how are engineers keeping up with evolving career and employer expectations? Molex’s survey of 800+ qualified engineers with experience in power design answers these questions and more. Discover why 94% of respondents agree that an appreciation for power is a critical requirement for the modern design engineer. 


Smart Factory Developments Create New Demands on Power

The road to Industry 4.0 and its vision of self-adjusting assembly lines is dependent on power. Learn how power distribution, quality and monitoring form the foundation of the smart factory of the future. 

Innovations in EV Battery Technology

Although the 12V power model has been the automotive industry standard since the 1950s, today’s consumer demands are forcing a change to 48V systems. Discover the other factors driving the move to 48V, and how engineers can embrace the benefits and tackle the challenges of the migration.

Innovations in Power Technology Bring Residential Smart Door to Market

When envisioning their M-Pwr Smart Door, Masonite believed they could eliminate the need for separate batteries to power lighting, video doorbells and smart lock functionality by incorporating power into the exterior door itself. While wiring power into a door may sound simple, it was anything but. To solve this unique design challenge, Masonite teamed up with Molex. Together, the two companies embarked on a journey to bring this industry-first product to market.

Alex Bodurka
“Our goal was to develop a fully powered and integrated door that would allow homeowners access to their smart devices without having to rely on batteries.”
Alex Bodurka
Engineering Lead

Start Your Engines: EVs are Becoming More Efficient

Electric vehicles (EVs) are rapidly capturing market share in the automotive industry, but for that ascent to continue, efficiency must be gained. From better milage to faster charging times and a more accessible charging network, here’s how automakers can provide more efficient EVs.

Powering the Data Center of the Future

Data centers are consuming more energy than ever before, and the demand is poised to grow alongside emerging technologies and the need for higher functionality. Learn how Molex is developing the products and expertise that will enable the data center of the future.

Data Center

Mastering Power Through Miniaturization

It’s no secret that devices are becoming smaller. But how is that achieved given the design requirements that challenge design engineers and system architects in our newly miniaturized world? How are advancements in power, connectivity and functionality enabling smaller, more efficient and more capable products?


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Exploring the Key Attributes of Modern, Energy-Efficient Data Centers

By 2025, it’s forecasted society will generate 175 zettabytes (ZBytes) of data on an annual basis: a number that’s likely low due to the recent explosion of AI applications. With such a demand on data centers to provide the speed and uptime needed to support this growth, how can they possibly be energy efficient? 



Powering the Future of AI

The continued evolution of artificial intelligence poses new challenges in power management that can only be solved with a mix of innovation and creativity. Learn how data centers can prepare for faster infrastructure, such as 224 Gbps-PAM4 technology, and more power-hungry GPUs.

AI Wall


Digital Unification is Dependent on Power

In the not-too-distant future, an EV may drive itself through its own assembly process and seamless communication between the vehicle and assembly line could carry over to the road as the self-driving car heads home to its new owner. This digital unification of seemingly disparate technologies isn’t science fiction but does require innovation in power to be realized. 

Electric Car


Solving Two Key Design Challenges for EV Charging

By 2030, EVs are predicted to comprise 50% of new car sales. But to get there, certain fundamental challenges must be overcome. Slow charging times and an immature charging infrastructure keeps many consumers on the sidelines of EV adoption. Learn how advancements in battery charging technology and new business models are paving the way for an electric future. 

EV Charging